News Seiseralm Bernau

Summer Party Seiseralm

Party alert! On 12 May 2022 we celebrated the corratec summer party and the 50th anniversary of IKO on the Seiseralm in Bernau with a breathtaking view of Lake Chiemsee!

Summer, sun, corratec barbecue party! 

After the pandemic-related break of the past years, we were finally able to organise a summer party again on 12.05.2023. The chosen location, the Seiseralm in Bernau, offered a beautiful view of the Chiemsee and the Kampgenwand behind it. All employees of corratec and the retailer IKO from Raubling and Salzburg were invited. The opportunity to get to know the faces behind email addresses and extension numbers and to network with new colleagues in a good mood and informal atmosphere.

Our intensive crossing of fingers had an effect, as we were able to enjoy a few more hours of sunshine at the Alm on the day of the summer party. After the reception and welcome by corratec owner and managing director Konrad Irlbacher and managing director Cielo Irlbacher, all employees enjoyed a large barbecue buffet. Before the evening programme, a highlight was of course the beautiful sunset, which we all admired together in the outdoor area of the Alm.

50 years of IKO retail & many employee honours

Gathered in the Alm, Konrad Irlbacher had a lot of interesting information in store for us after dinner - for example, the exciting plans for the construction of a new extension building on the company premises. But there was also time for a few anecdotes from the past - because the 50th anniversary of IKO could not yet be officially celebrated and was the occasion for a look back at the roots of the company and the founder Konrad Irlbacher Senior.  What is history today has also been experienced and shaped live by some of our employees. The commitment and loyalty of these long-standing colleagues, who celebrated a round anniversary in 2022 or the year before, was honoured with a certificate, an IKO voucher, flowers and a set. A highlight was also the honouring of managing director Cielo Irlbacher, who celebrated her 30th anniversary at corratec, as well as the birthday of the managing director of IKO, tessa Irlbacher.

corratec in a celebratory mood

After the last bouquet of flowers had been handed over, a great mood of celebration spread in the Alm and one or the other drink wandered over the bar counter. Outside, a member of staff from the incoming goods department breathed life into the music system and quickly a number of people with similar musical tastes gathered. The evening ended nicely and was a great end to our summer party.

We were pleased with everyone who was there - let's do it again soon!
